My Updates

A painful adieu to Livejournal

So finally I took the plunge. I have migrated my site to WordPress and hosted my blog here. I am planning to permanently move from Livejournal to here.

Considering that I have been blogging in Livejournal since 2004, it wasn’t an easy decision to make. However I had to take the plunge some day, and I thought the time has come.

So what have the major painpoints been?

  • LJ does not allow script inclusions. In this world of Web 2.0, it is almost impossible to not have widgets in your pages.
  • Analytics: You have absolutely no idea how many people reached your site and via which sources or keywords and why your blog is valued the most.
  • Very limited customization – frankly the themes seem very Web 1.0’ish.

Things were not easy. Exporting my Livejournal blog posts and importing them to WordPress was one thing. Setting up WordPress as my primary hosting, while allowing the rest of the site to function smoothly was another.

Once these were done, the rest was easy and the results are fascinating. I was able to setup my photo albums, analytics, Feedburner and integrate widgets for Friendfeed, Twitter in no time.

There are still some minor issues here and there, especially with migrating my content from the old site to the new one – I will work on them as and when I find time.

So, feel free to browse my site and let me know what you think!

World Wide Web

Flock – a Web 2.0 browser?

I have been trying Flock for about a month now. And I am stuck to it.

What I liked:

  1. Blogging support – I am making this blog entry from within Flock. Also there is Technorati publishing support and all that.
  2. Flickr support – you get to know if someone adds new photos and you get to see them in a neat view.
  3. Delicious support – one of my favorite features here. There is a neat sync between your local bookmarks and your delicious bookmarks. You just click on the 'star' next to the address bar and you get a popup where you indicate whether the bookmark should be posted to
  4. An improved search bar – there is live Yahoo search, local search history and the usual search engine support.
  5. Performance – somehow seems better than Firefox. Dunno why? 😐 (However, see hate point 2)
  6. Web snippets – I don't use this much, but there is a snippets bar, where you can copy snippets of your interest.
  7. News – This is where you get to manage your RSS feeds. But I don't use this either, not better than Blogbridge. 🙂

What I hated:

  1. I sometimes feel they should have gone with making an extension over Firefox rather than a separate browser. Some extensions might not work in Flock. Developers have to adhere to Flock separately. This is not good.
  2. Sometimes, there is some backend process which runs for a long time and results in a 'Unresponsive script' warning. This stops the working of the browser for a while.

Overall, I strongly recommend Flock for people who use the utilities mentioned and were craving for integration of these.

technorati tags:, , , , , , , ,

Blogged with Flock

World Wide Web

Happy birthday ? /\ /\/ /\ /\/ `/ /\

Yeah, this is the day I get to speak out and Gautham shuts up.

I am 2 years old today. I was born on 10th March 2004 at 12:45 in Mysore. Last year, I celebrated my birthday like this. I was called Modus Vivendi then, but now I am called ? ? /\ /\/ /\ /\/ `/ /\.

So here's how I am progressing:

Journal entries: 147

Total comments: 353

1 120
2 51
3 41
4 27
5 19
6 13
7 13
8 12
9 11
10 8
11 7
12 5
13 5
14 4
15 4
16 2
17 2
18 2
19 2
20 1
21 1
22 1
23 1
24 1

Generated using ljstats.