World Wide Web

10 years Yahoo!

Yahoo recently celebrated it's 10th birthday. As a remembrance, Yahoo brought out this really cool page. The page talks about web history in 100 images. Really worth having a look.

World Wide Web

RSS Overloaded

I don't know why have 192 feeds in my account. 90% of these feeds don't give me any useful information. If I don't touch it for a day, I get “RSS overloaded”!

Will be releasing my blogroll soon. Have a look at it.

World Wide Web

Gmail now supports old browsers

Just read that Gmail now supports older browsers as well. But I guess it took them quite some time to do that. People would be fed up by now and would have switched to the newer version of IE or would have switched to Mozilla in order to use Gmail.


About remembering names

How many times has this happened to you: You have met someone and you don't remember his name now? You say, “Pardon me but I forgot your name.”

Management gurus say, “If you forget names, you are forgetting your business.” True, I feel. Just call a person by his name and see how important that person feels!

I remember having read in, “How to win friends and influence people” about a person (I forgot his name 🙂 ) who remembered the names of 50,000 other people. He was a politician and could even remember the names of people who he met just once. If he found a name difficult to remember, he used to ask them to repeat it and if it was still difficult to remember, he would ask them to spell it.

I tried this technique once. There is a person in IBM (I don't want to disclose his name here) who has a really strange name. I tried this technique and still remember his name. Ironically, I have forgotten the names of many others here!


You should read this no matter what

If this description doesn't “tickle your ribs” let me know….


If I had control over my dreams…

Random thoughts
If I had control over my dreams, I WOULD SLEEP MORE OFTEN.

World Wide Web

Still using IE?

Here are 101 reasons why you should use Mozilla rather than IE.

So should we wait till IE7 (Microsoft has that in news) for these and more things to come?

World Wide Web

Semantic Web

Found a good article on Semantic Web at Scientific American. A good introduction to Semantic Web I should say.

Another good and related article is Markup Languages and Ontologies.

World Wide Web

Hats off Google thanks for preventing comment spam

I had written about Blog spamming some time back. I found many of my friends getting spammed through comments. Well, search leader Google has come up with a technique to prevent this.

Interesting read: Preventing comment spam from Google blog.


Computer Health hazards

Do you experience pain in the eyes or joints after prolonged use of computers? Do you feel numbness at the tip of your fingers or pain in your wrists? If so this blog entry is for you.

Prolonged computer use can have really harmful effects on the human body. No wonder huge companies like IBM are giving a lot of importance to this topic. Just have a look at the health hazards (for details you can always use the net):

* RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury) and repetitive motion injury.
* Eye burning, tightness, watering or drying.
* Double vision.
* Headache.
* Neck pain.
* Backache.
* Joint pain.
* Numb fingers.
* DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis).

So the solution? Again, you may use the net. IBM, Aarogya, TIFAQ etc have very good articles on this topic.

So are computers really a boon?