World Wide Web

What is your Googlenym?

A Googlenym is a word or a set of words (phrase) that you enter to go to a particular page.

It's now a common strategy to remember the Googlenym rather than the entire URL to a website. Just remember what is the set of words that will uniquely lead you to a particular site. Enter it, and you are done.

Do you have a Googlenym? Mine is ““buzypi“.

There are many such words based on Google. The wikipedia link given above has a list of these.

Now don't “Google bomb” my site. 🙂

World Wide Web

1,286 search plugins for Firefox!!!

Are you looking for some search plug-ins for Firefox (the one that goes into the little text box to the top-right)?

Then your search should end here.

You can easily find the search plug-in of your choice here.

World Wide Web

New to tagging?

Are you a newbie to the concept of tagging?

If you are still in doubts about why tagging can be of help, you need to check this article.

World Wide Web

The default namespace problem in XSLT 1.0

(This blog is only for my reference. Non-XSLT users please dis-regard
this blog entry. XSLT users please suggest some alternatives/comments.)

There is a problem popularly called the default namespace problem in
XSLT 1.0. Supposedly this problem has been solved in the newer version
of XSLT (XSLT 2.0).

The problem is not discussed here, rather the solution is given below:

Consider an input XML file bound to a default namespace:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="new.xsl"?>
<catalog xmlns="">

Consider the XSLT style-sheet:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"

<xsl:template match="/">
  <xsl:apply-templates select="my:catalog/my:entry" />

<xsl:template match="my:entry">
 <h1><xsl:value-of select="." /></h1>


The problem is thus solved by defining our own namespace and using it to refer to all default namespace elements.

There is another solution using local-name() function of XPath (Please refer to biglist link below for that solution).

XSLT 2.0 has something called default-xpath-namespace, which is used to solve the problem.

This thread on biglist deals with the default namespace problem.

World Wide Web

My tags

So you are not interested in my blogs on tech? But I just can't stop blogging about tech.

So here's the solution:

1. For general blog entries visit: General (Tag name – general). (Sorry, if some tech jargons creep in.)

2. For technical entries: Tech (Tag name – tech).

Sub-categories in tech:

Khoj (Tag name – khoj) – These are cool things that I find on the net.
Problem (Tag name – problem) – These are some problems that I face/ problems that I think are not yet solved.
Thoughts (Tag name – thoughts) – These are certain things that might need some thought and analysis.
Semantic Web (Tag name – sw) – You know what 🙂

Other tags:

College (Tag name – college) – About my college days and new things HAPPENING in college.
IBM (Tag name – ibm) – About my association with IBM.
LJ (Tag name – livejournal) – About new things that come up in LJ and anything concerned with LJ (like this blog entry).
Jobless (Tag name – jobless) – Those “Find your friends”, “Find when you die” etc utilities that work over LJ.

And in case your RSS reader supports filtering, you could use the tags
specified to filter my entries (All my tags are in lowercase).

And since I like XSLT here's the XSLT snippet to filter out my 'tech' blog entries and display the titles:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
<xsl:template match="/">
     <xsl:for-each select="category">
       <xsl:variable name="temp" select="." />
       <xsl:if test="$temp = 'tech' " >
        <xsl:value-of select="../title" /><br />

World Wide Web

Semantic Web is not AI?

An article in W3 says that Semantic Web is not AI.

But an article on Knowledge representation in Wikipedia says, this:

# RDF is a simple notation for representing relationships between and among objects

Examples of artificial languages intended for knowledge representation include:

# CycL
# …
# …

Both SW related technologies figure in an article related to AI!

The confusion seems to be in the interpretation of what is meant by AI. This word could be interpreted at 2 different levels. I could either call robots with their own intelligence as AI, or just the representation of information and infering from it as AI.

But this thought definitely needs some grinding and digesting.

World Wide Web

A cool desktop widget toolkit from uhhh… Yahoo

Ever heard of Konfabulator?

Well here is a snapshot to show you what it can do. And if you are excited by the concept of Firefox extensions, then you better check this out! Because Konfabulator uses JS and XML to develop scripts.

For more information, you could check Konfabulator.

For downloading widgets, you can go to Widget Gallery.

Time to start experimenting, eh?!

World Wide Web

Hurray, LJ now has tags support

It's been a long time since I found a need for blog categorizing. And here it comes…

Thanks LJ. 🙂

World Wide Web

Problem on XML

Consider 2 XML files:
File A:

File B:

The difference between the 2 files is a new branch <title>1<title>1</title></title> has been inserted.

How do you find this out? What is the algorithm?

For those who don't know about this, these are what called XML Diff's.
Each organization seems to have its own program, which does this.

There are many algorithms.

Microsoft's XML Diff is impressive.

Yet another example:

File A:

File B:

what is the difference between the 2 files?

Difference 1: A new branch <titlee>1</titlee> has been added.
Difference 2: <title>1</title> has been inserted into <title>1</title>.

There are lots of open source tools as well. Any good/interesting algorithm you can think of?

World Wide Web

Google Adsense

Every heard of Google Adsense– A novel idea from Google that can help you earn money.

Google Adsense allows you to display relevant ads on the pages of your website. If people browsing your page are interested in the ad and click on it, you will be paid!

I was thinking of a similar idea (although I was not aware of Adsense when I hit upon the idea – this usually happens 🙁 ) in the Semantic Web. To make the ads relevant to the contents in your page, you can use Semantic Web technologies very well, since Semantic Web helps in finding out the context (of your pages).

Google is all ready to take over in the Semantic Web. The growth of Semantic Web will make Google's task easier. Are other organizations ready?