
The changing professions

Some days back and myself were browsing on the net and saw a page which listed the professions that are going to appear and those that are going to disappear.

The most important one that we found in the “disappear” list was: Teachers 🙂
The most important one I found in the “appear” list was: Knowledge engineers.

Ok, this is a list of professions according to my wildest imagination, that will come up if the “Next Generation User Interface” (that I was talking about in a previous article) comes up according to plans (whose plans?!)

* Community Space Providers (CSP's) – These are owners of a community and maintain the space in the community. They are responsible for the cleanliness of the community and also for giving permission to users to build structures and also making sure that the structure built doesn't have ill-effect on other users of the community.

* Object designers and producers – These are people who design and create new objects, similar to the carpenters and smiths. They are also responsible for repairing these items when some flaw is found.

* House architects – These are people who help in setting up houses for users (technically speaking, these are the people who actually install the operating system and also make sure that the user has what he wants). They may also be responsible for maintenance of these houses (correction of software problems in Operating Systems).

* Virtual police – These are people who are responsible for ensuring security in the community.

Who else?